INMODE Forma I uses Radiofrequency(RF) energy to generate heat which is applied to the skin around the eyes. This heat stimulates collagen formation, bringing white blood cells, and stem cells to the skin around your eyes while reducing inflammation. This treatment aids in opening up clogged meibomian glands, allowing for improved tear production and secretion. RF is usually followed by a Meibomian Gland expression.
INMODE Lumecca Intense Pulse Light treatment (IPL) works to control the inflammatory process and to stop the vicious cycle of inflammation and to reduce the need for medications. IPL treats ocular rosacea, Meibomian Gland Dysfunction, and Inflammatory dry eye. It has been shown to decrease demodex mites and bacteria around the eyelids. The powerful bursts of light also close off blood vessels that release inflammation in ocular rosacea .
IPL and RF reverse the signs of ageing by stimulating collagen production by smoothing wrinkles and eliminate dark spots for younger looking eyes.
All treatments are performed right in your physician’s office. As a result, there is no general anesthesia, no incisions, or downtime that is associated with excisional interventions. Your provider will discuss in detail with you the specifics of your customized treatment plan and how it will address your individual condition.
These treatments are recommended for patients who are seeking non - invasive procedures to address their symptoms. The small size applicators allow for treatment in small and delicate areas. These are very safe and effective procedures that can be used on all skin types and skin.
Jersey Eye Associates LLC Dr. Rupal Patel Kaistha
462 White Horse Pike, Atco, New Jersey 08004, United States
Call/Text us at 856-322-2529